User settings
Accepted list calls
— To see a notification of incoming calls, select
. To answer PTT calls automatically, select
. If you do
not want to receive PTT calls, select
Not allowed
PTT call alert tone
— Select the tone for incoming PTT calls. If you want
the incoming call alert setting for PTT to follow your profile settings,
Set by profile
. For example, if your profile is silent, PTT is set to do
not disturb (DND) and, except for callback requests, you are not
available to others using push to talk.

C o n n e c t i v i t y
Callback request tone
— Select a tone for callback requests.
Application start-up
— To start PTT automatically, select
. To start PTT automatically only while in your home network,
Auto. in home netw.
Default nickname
— Enter your nickname shown to other users. Your
service provider may have disabled the editing of this option.
Show my PTT address
— Select
if you want to hide your PTT
address from others.
Show my login status
— Select whether your status is shown to others.